Friday, August 24, 2012

I'm not insane. Everyone has their problems, I just choose to share mine here. Its not like any ones reading them.
Hi, me again..I feel great. I told off this sleese bag that i used to call my friend. I did give him the idea that I wanted to be friends with benefits but i had no idea it would tag along with me feeling like shit. Now I know I don't want that, I thought he was a sweet guy. Though he said to me, I say things I don't mean when I'm horny..after telling me how sexy I looked and how hot i was. Cool, so now I'm not hot? I confronted him and this is what he said (right off of my phone) lol, all guys say some things they don't mean when they are horny sometimes, but don't worry, i wasn't horny every time i called you sexy. haha was that all that was bothering you?)  Oh thank god not every time! I said yes. then said "tho i disagree" he said "awe have you looked at yourself  naked in the mirror lately? i'm sure your hot as ever." IM SURE. he knows what i look like. I told him this after a few hours. "okay a few things wrong with that statement. Im hot with clothes on too. Your an ass to think that all guys say things they don't mean when they are horny. Like your pretty. and i think your a tad full of yourself. Im sorry if that sucked to read but your not that nice guy i thought you were and i needed you to know that. Im not a bitch for saying that either, because its how i feel and its your choice to take offence to it. I know i asked you to be friends with benefits but now i know i will never want that" a bit harsh? probably but he hurt my feelings. I could have told him his penis is red and gross. but i didn't. I could have said a lot of hurtful things to him. But he doesn't deserve that. I have a nice guy right now and i will never let him go. He is generous and sweet. His mind isn't oriented around sex, which i appreciate even though id love to fuck him all the time. Hes sexy and wakes me up every morning with a "good morning beautiful!!" text. I love him. I will never love the other guy. It was time for a clean cut.